This simple German grade calculator helps you convert your grades in GPA, percentage to German grading system (4.0-1.0) using the Modified Bavarian Formula | Study in Germany for Free!

Note: This German grade calculator uses the Modified Bavarian Formula
German Grade Meaning:
- 1.0–1.5 = “sehr gut” (very good: an outstanding achievement)
- 1.6–2.5 = “gut” (good: an achievement which lies substantially above average requirements)
- 2.6–3.5 = “befriedigend” (satisfactory: an achievement which corresponds to average requirements)
- 3.6–4.0 = “ausreichend” (sufficient: an achievement which barely meets the requirements)
- 5.0 and above “nicht ausreichend” / “nicht bestanden” (not sufficient / failed: an achievement which does not meet the requirements)
Converting Letter Grades
You can convert your native Letter Grade to German Grade by assigning a number to each letter by following this chart below:
- A+ equals 1
- A equals 2
- B equals 3
- C equals 4
- D equals 5
- E equals 6
(When the minimum required grade for passing is D)
Convert your credits to European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Regarding German Grading System
1. What is the Modified Bavarian Formula?
A number of systems exist for the conversion of grades from other countries into German grades. For instance, one such system, used by most universities, is called the “Modified Bavarian Formula”.
The formula is as follows:

- x = German Grade equivalent to your score
- Nmax = Maximum score that can be attained in your degree
- Nmin = Minimum score that can be attained in your degree
- and, Nd = Score obtained by you
2. Do grades matter in Germany?
Yes, they do, and they don’t bother looking on the mark of your thesis, if your overall grade is not considered good enough. However, your grades are not the only factor, your SOPs, Recommendations, Essays, are also considered.
3. How are grades calculated in German Grading System?
Germany uses a grade system that ranges from 4.0 to 1.0 using the Modified Bavarian Formula
4. Can we get job after MS in Germany?
You can seek work after graduating easily. The law allows international graduates to stay in Germany for additional 18 months, specifically for finding work.
5. How can we calculate our grade in German Grade System?
Use our German grade calculator to calculate the German grade equivalent to your grade or GPA. (Click here)
6. How to convert Credit to ECTS?
Use our ECTS calculator to convert your credits to ECTS. (Click here)
Hi can you help me to calculate ECTS. I studied in India